"In a gathering of corpses, there is beauty. Same goes for the cherry blossoms and spring..."

Name: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Origin: Touhou
Gender: Female
Classification: Ghost/Mistress of Hakugyokurou
Age: At least 1000+
Powers and Abilities: Intangibility, immortality (type 1 and 7), soul manipulation (can control and harm spirits, has the power to induce instant death), bypass intangibility, flight, teleportation, energy blasts, invisibility (ghosts cannot be seen unless they will it or or one has spiritual awareness), mind manipulation (ghosts can affect emotions with words) and resistance to it
Weaknesses: Her ability to invoke and manipulate death cannot effect immortals, due to CIS and her own personality she doesn't use her death manipulation most of the time
Destructive Capacity: Large star level+ (one of the possible causes of the Imperishable Night), but can kill most beings with her ability
Range: Cross-dimensional, at least hundreds of meters
Speed: MFTL+
Durability: Large star level+
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (comparable to Tenshi)
Striking Strength: Class XTJ+
Stamina: Limitless as a ghost
Standard Equipment: Two fans and countless spirits
Intelligence: Experience of a thousand years, clever and cunning when the need arises, one of the few people of the Touhouverse that can actually understand Yukari, realized Yukari's plan to steal a treasure from the Moon before anybody else did, also fooled the Lunarians and sneaked in the Lunar Capital a whole month without them realizing
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Manipulating death

This is the ability to, without exception and without permitting any resistance, end the life of any living being, whether it be human or youkai. The only kind of creatures immune from this are Hourai Immortals. Clearly and simply, it is an unusually and dreadfully powerful ability. Although this ability is what drove her to commit suicide and become a ghost, it seems that she hasn't forgotten this ability since then, and it seems that she can use this ability in a carefree manner (though she doesn't act carelessly in the usage of this ability). However, whether she's able to end life only to the extent of fainting, or if she invites one to death gently, is unclear. During her lifetime, the latter was true. Her Last Word "Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana" is said to be the very incarnation of this ability.

Manipulating departed souls

This is the ability that enables her to manipulate ghosts and spirits, an ability she possessed even while she was alive. Although it's unclear what one is exactly able to accomplish with this ability, it seems to place Yuyuko on the role of the manager of the ghosts who stay for a while in the Netherworld. Because of this ability, she is able to let those from Hell stay eternally in the Netherworld.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses: