external image CSR_vol06_004.jpg

Name: Cloud-Cell Separation Interface IV Harpe or simply just "Harpe" (named after the Greek mythological weapon that killed Medusa)
Origin: Chrome Shelled Regios (also appears in the prequel Legend of Regios)
Gender: N/A, but appears to have a masculine personality
Classification: Cloud-Cell (Self-Improved Nano-Celluloid), Anti-Mutant Countermeasure, Bro-tier Dragon, Defender of Humanity
Age: At least hundreds of years
Powers and Abilities: Super speed, strength, and durability, flight, nanomachine that can exist in the Zero Realm, energy manipulation, energy blasts, turns Aurora Particles into energy and then into matter to form a titanic body, shapeshifting, regeneration (High), each one of his cells is an independent body, able to split into numerous smaller bodies, can spread his Cloud-Cells around for gathering information, able to change/teraform its environment, can attach one of its Cloud-Cells on people to communicate with them similar to telepathy, technopathy, dimensional travel/manipulation, trans-dimensional senses, can survive in a world where neither time nor the rules of physics exist (this would render Harpe immune to most forms of time manipulation save for time travel)
Weaknesses: Some of his most powerful attacks also come at the cost of sacrificing its body parts. Its strongest attack also melted 80% of Harpe's body.
Destructive Capacity: At least country level+, likely much higher via powerscaling (well above Heavens Blade Successors in power and should be stronger than Durandal)
Range: At least hundreds of kilometers, his Cloud-Cells also gather data from all over the Regios world
Speed: Hypersonic flight/travel speed, massively hypersonic+ combat speed (quadruple to quintuple digits Mach via powerscaling)
Durability: At least country level+ (took attacks that could kill Layfon regardless what he does, even referring to him only taking a portion unlike Harpe due to surface area)
Lifting Strength: At least Class G (can be almost as large as a city), possibly Class P via powerscaling from Durandal
Striking Strength: Unknown (never shown to physically attack), likely at least Class ZJ+ via powerscaling
Stamina: Virtually limitless so long it has Aurora Particles to use (albeit overusing its abilities in an all-out combat can leave Harpe temporally weakened)
Standard Equipment: Cloud-Cells (so pretty much itself)
Intelligence: Harpe is an intelligent weapon designed to kill reality warpers and other threats to humanity. The only Nano-Celluloid to retain its original programming which lead to its rebellion against Ignasis. Later he settled down in the Regios world and gradually upgraded himself into a Cloud-Cell. Due to being with humans for long Harpe also have a great wealth of cultural knowledge and tend to mix-in poetic expressions while speaking. Regardless he's still a machine and unable to understand emotions, albeit can respond to them.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
